
Monday, January 28, 2013

Heart Of The Ocean (Titanic) nail design (picture tutorial)

So I'm going to try and do a picture tutorial for you, so bare with me! This is The Heart Of The Ocean nail design, and of course, it's inspired by Titanic!  sings *my heart will go on!* lol. Anywho, this is a pretty simple design, you'll need 2 polishes, heart rhinestones, and normal rhinestones. Or, if you don't have rhinestones, you can easily use a dotting tool/toothpick, anything to make this design also! So lets get to it shall we?

First, start off with your base color, this should be a nice ocean blue. I'm Using LA Colors - Aquatic, yea yea yea, with a name like that I had to use it! Here it is with 2 coats.
Then take a nice sheer blue glitter, here I am using LA Colors - Flurry, here it is with 1 coat over Aquatic.

Next, put your topcoat on your nails, and on your ring finger, while the topcoat is still wet, apply a dark blue heart rhinestone a little over halfway down your nail, then, take your normal rhinestones and from each side of the heart, make them go up like it looks like a necklace. Here are a few pictures of how it should look.

And here is a super close pic!

I hope ya'll like this! It's super simple to do! And looks very pretty! Thanks for reading, until next time! <3


  1. I love Titanic and this is really cute! I will have to try this some time. Great job! :)
